Powerful prayers that bring instant answers - that will bring peace and strength into your lifeWhen...
Powerful prayers that bring instant answers - that will bring peace and strength into your lifeWhen you feel yourself going off course or lost in life, these powerful prayers for Gods guidance and direction will encourage you to get back on track and stay true to the Lords will for your life.Sometimes you can find yourself in such a difficult situation that it makes you question your ability to handle it properly. All the time, you feel like there is no way out.We all know we should pray more. Inner guilt reminds us. But if were honest, we dont want to pray anymore, nor are we really convinced that we need to pray. Why? Perhaps we dont really understand what prayer is - or we are prone to forgetting.When the alarm goes off and your day is about to begin, take a few minutes of early awareness to pray for yourself. We often leave prayer for times of despair when we feel we are losing our minds. Sometimes we even hesitate to pray for ourselves. However, this is what Matthew 7:7 calls us to: “Ask, and it will be given you; Search and you will find; knock, and the door will open for you. "This app is a guide for those moments before you slip out of bed. Its easy to remember and its a way to invite God to work in your life. You will be surprised what a difference this makes.Use your own words to speak to God as you ask Him to BLESS your body, work, emotions, social life, and spiritual growth. Pray silently for yourself and each other. Then head to the shower knowing that God has been invited into your day. Expect to see him work.We cannot receive Gods best for our lives and we cannot reject the things that were never Gods will for us except through prayer. We cannot leave our lives to chance. We have to pray about everything all the time, not just when things go wrong.Fortunately for Christians, the Bible never says we need to be self-reliant or find strength within ourselves. It also never says that we should have a perfect life, full of happiness and without enemies. God understands that this life is full of trials, pains and sufferings and He really wants us to always be trusting Him. The scriptures make it clear that difficulties will come, but they also show us that its okay to be weak and cry out for Gods help. And the best part? God really listens and really helps.This app contains a list of Christian prayers for help:Prayer for the whole world, Prayer for a home, Prayer for children, Prayer for someone, Prayer for faith and hope, Prayer for pregnancy, Prayer to ask for something lost to show up, Prayer to get a boyfriend or girlfriend, Prayer for someone to get one job, Prayer for loved one, Prayer for an opportunity, Prayer for a job for my child, Prayer for good weather, Prayer for peace in the family, Prayer for blessings in love, Prayer for a chance to love, Prayer for our children, Prayer for guidance and guidance, Prayer for good health, Prayer for justice, Prayer for a good death, Prayer for my loving partner, Prayer for family, Prayer for peace in the world, Prayer for unity in the loving couple, Prayer to ask my eg for a chance, Prayer to ask that all be well, Prayer for the sick, Prayer for a good examination, Prayer for good mood, Prayer for strength and courage, Prayer for protection, Prayer for work and prosperity, Prayer for Clemenci ae Mercy, Prayer for the soul of a loved one, Prayer for patience and wisdom, Prayer for peace and tranquility, Prayer for rain, Prayer for payment of a debt, Prayer for victory, Prayer for the release of a prisoner, Prayer for the invocation of death Sacred, Prayer for the return of the loved one, Prayer of forgiveness…etc.